Artificial Intelligence(AI), is and will be one of the most influential trends for the coming decades. Many stakeholders are working hard on the concept to develop a real end-product which illustrates a showcase than a theoretical future told.
Many articles, as
follows, share their positive achievements and news. On the other hand, AI technology is yet not a step closer to the authentic human decision process. As a common perception, people believe that more experience leads to sharp expertise, which is mostly the profound root of AI applications. It should be accepted valid if you deal with chess or firefighting, whereas, patterns and rules are pretty clear. Nevertheless, if you are dealing with complex environments with a terrifying change pace, all the experience someone collected might be obsolete in one eyeblink.
Nobel prized Kahneman summarised human decision making in two systems. The system I(S1) is fast, automatic and dominantly used by humans mostly patterned and almost all unchanging(biased) after experienced at the time learned. However, System II(S2) is a hard, deliberate, effortful and controlled way of thinking, which leads to understanding, evaluating ideas, concepts, trends and the surrounding environment. S1 is about learning patterns and S2 is a hard-learned skill which is not eventually gained by experience and repeating but more human quality.
As a summary, AI will be the best support for making real-life decisions for all kinds of business from small to huge enterprises. However, the substantial change to be done is still not on the IT infrastructure, but the workforce itself, whether on the job or yet being educated. AI is not scary and will undebatably be helpful for people to utilise their S2 skill faster and sharper. All efforts from governments, educational institutes and business owners should be on developing new skills for the citizens to use the best of AI output for a
better future.